Shadow Captain
2019 • 488 pages


Average rating3.5


The Revenger series is a fun slightly more YA take on SciFi from Alastair Reynolds. We follow the Ness sisters - both of whom are sensitive to using bones as a way of long distance communication across space. Shadow Captain follows on closely from the first book, with the sisters reunited and now in command of the Revenger, the feared pirate ship. This brings its own problems - this vessel is very recognizable and public enemy number one. They need to resupply and somehow clear the name of the vessel they are on...

This is fun space opera. The science is not as hard as Alastair Reynolds better known Revelation Space universe, the characters are more in the YA vein of young adults, but there are still some very adult themes dealt with so this cannot be called a true YA book either. Mostly this is just fun, taking the best parts from all styles.

There are plenty of interesting twists and turns, some fascinating universe building along with references to more typical cyberpunk style futurism. The whole concept of Baubles is fascinating too - a truly intriguing history that is hinted at. I am intrigued to find out where the next book takes us

June 28, 2021