Average rating4.2
This is the 2nd Robin Hobb book series I have started and honestly I have to say I like it better than the Farseer trilogy. As I understand this book takes place in the same world as Farseer
I love the idea of these live ship traders and their live ships being sentient beings with a magical connection to their families. The idea of a ship having feelings, intellect, ability to go mad, have mental illness but also be uniquily tied to or bonded to their families is just a really awesome idea
One thing I will say is that the one character Kyle, I can't stand that guy and honestly if one can hate a fictional character I do hate this guy lol, but for me that is a sign of good writing if a author can make you hate or love a character as Robin Hobb has done here.
Althea's plight is one I just wanted to keep getting back to as well as Wintrow and how they deal with things and overcome their trials and struggles, however the side plot with Malta is not something I cared a whole lot for, but also can't help but wonder if this side plot will come to have more importance in future books, which I get the feeling it might
Originally posted at www.youtube.com.