Cover 6

Siege Tactics



Average rating4.2


Executive Summary: I found this one a bit slow in places, but it finished strong. I enjoyed it, but not as much as the last one. 3.5 Stars.

Audiobook: Roger Wayne does another quality job. His normal reading voice is clear and he reads with good tempo. Plus he does a few voices that gives the audio version that little extra something I've come to expect. I can tell just from the voices which character is talking and that makes for a more enjoyable listen.

Full Review
This series continues to be a lot of fun. The last book was probably my favorite of the series so far because it focused so much on Rogues, which has always been my favorite type of character to roleplay.

This one focuses more on Paladins, which I generally dislike. Paladins have a tendency to do what is right no matter what the consequences are and that kind of thinking has just never sat well with me. I guess I'm just a lot more Chaotic Good than Lawful Good.

The mystery tying the two main stories of the series continues to be interesting, but we learned very little new in this volume. I would have liked more with that regard. Things did get set up nicely for the next book, so maybe we'll finally get some more answers then.

Overall this continues to be a fun series, but I hope he's going somewhere with it and not simply meandering around on a neverending role playing campaign. For now I'm still on board with picking up the next book just as soon as it's available.

February 24, 2019