

Average rating3


The pictures in this book, like the pictures in the rest of the Pinkalicious series, are so beautiful and, well, PINK, that it doesn't really matter that the story doesn't make much sense. Our main character loses her tooth and it turns out that it is her sweet tooth. The Tooth Fairy must come soon and replace this tooth, she pleads; nothing sweet tastes good to her. Instead of the Tooth Fairy, in rapid succession appear Cupid, the Easter Bunny, and a Christmas elf, all of whom decorate her room in beautiful ways and leave her lovely gifts of holiday-appropriate sweets. Still she demands the arrival of the Tooth Fairy. It is only the Tooth Fairy, she argues, who can restore her sweet tooth. Finally a note arrives from TF gently reminding our pink-ish main character that sweet on the inside allows one to taste sweet on the outside. I can already hear the peals of glee that will accompany the arrival of this book in my library.

February 5, 2011