Cover 7



Average rating5


Bilingual review (Spanish - English)

ESPAÑOLSuperhéroes extraños, conspiraciones, diversidad y bardeo bien argentino. ¿Qué más querés? Si te gustan las historias de superhéroes pero quieres leer una que tenga algo diferente y único tenés que leer Singulares. Leé o no podemos ser amigos.

ENGLISHWeird superheoes, conspiracy, diversity, and very Argentinian banter. What else do you want? If you like superhero stories and you'd like to read a unique take on this genre, then you must read Singulares. If you can read in Spanish, and you don't read this, we cannot be friends. Also, English translation is in the works (January 2023). 

January 5, 2023