Average rating4
This book was a much, much better experience than the first book for me. Sierra Simone is so fantastic in her writing, especially the smut. So good.
Unfortunately though, apart from the writing style, I didn't enjoy much else.
I was so, so, so annoyed by just how many times he says “she's so young... She's just SO YOUNG”
And i understand it's a massive age gap, he's 36, she's 21, but at times, he was acting as if she was 12. Her character confused me too, there were certain times that she was so bold, so badass about demanding what she wants sexually, and then suddenly switches over to her thinking he's a genius because he asked her if her first time having sex hurt, when she didn't use any lubrication or foreplay. Of course it would hurt lol
The beginning portion did feel a little insta love to me, and it did kinda turn me off a little bit. Even throughout the story, it told a lot more than it showed, if you know what I mean.
Sean's faith confused me, he does have a weird journey but hey, I'm not Christian, so i didn't think too much of it.
Overall i liked it, but not a favourite.