

2021 • 416 pages


Average rating4.3


Arthurian fantasy is a subgenre which has been down in popularity for a while. Sistersong definitely has an Arthurian type setting without being explicitly Arthurian in content. The wizard is definitely giving Merlin vibes, the time period (dark age Britain) is Arthurian. The interesting twist here is the interactions between the titular sisters. All of them are strong character, with well defined motives. The damsel in distress type stuff is played carefully to maintain the empowerment angle.

The problem is I am not really the target audience for this. I can see it is well written, but it just did not gel for me. This is one of those cases where I can get why people like it, and I am not totally negative towards it but it was ultimately mostly forgettable for me.

May 13, 2021