Average rating4.3
rereading this edition because I'm annotating it for a friend, and ITS SO pretty. The sprayed edges, character art and the cover page is just *chef's kiss*. Super glad I decided to do this because i forgot just how much i loved this book.
Rereading a book is such a different experience because this time you KNOW what happens, so you notice the little details you missed on your first read and the foreshadowing you might not have picked up when you were trying to understand the plot. I absolutely loved reading it again (maybe even more than the first time). Can't wait to reread [b:Crooked Kingdom|22299763|Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)|Leigh Bardugo|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1456172607l/22299763._SY75_.jpg|42090179] next:D
Check out my Six of Crows review here :)