Average rating4.3
“I'm a business man," he'd told her. "No more, no less.""You're a thief, Kaz.""Isn't that what I just said?”
Despite the praises, I wasn't eager to pick this up as I had read, a few years ago, the first book in her trilogy “The Grisha” and it was a deeply unpleasant experience. Even though I was intrigued by the world because I couldn't stomach Alina, nor Mal, nor the Darkling. But I'm happy I decided to give this one a go.
I'm not one to get terribly excited about heist or prison break stories, but I very much enjoyed this book due to its diverse cast of characters. The pacing was rather slow, nonetheless I savored getting to know the crew, finding out their stories and how they connected one to another. I also enjoyed the world-building and the writing style.
I have to mention one thing though (I'm sure I'm not the first one). I couldn't picture the characters as their age in the book. They should have all been twenty-somethings. But it seems that's harder to market than YA. I can't imagine why. There have been countless articles about how adults are hijacking YA so there's clearly a need for books to fill in the gap right after teenage-hood yet no one's taking the hint.