2018 • 530 pages


Average rating4.4


Same as BLC post; 4~4.5 for me! I loved the storyline/plot and the world building! After the first death, it hit me hard because it reminded me too much of Gundam (personally Gundam 00 for me), and that feeling is all too familiar T__T I loved the random comic relief here and there, mostly from M-Bot, gotta love an AI who's spewing out "unpleasant adjectives!" (p. 489) LOL I've sped through mostly with the goal to see where M-Bot's origins are but I'm left with unanswered questions ;-; Kind of interesting that Krells are really prison watchers, and they're actually afraid now. I wonder where this will all go now, now that Spensa has some control over her power/'defect'. Also Cobb. "Cobb is flying M-Bot" will happily forever be engrained in my mind. I hope Cobb will get over the fears of flying one day and maybe chat with M-Bot about mushrooms or something. That sounds like an awesome duo that I'd love 1000%!

June 12, 2022