Average rating4
I am very envious of the job that Nicole Givens Kurtz had with SLAY because I cannot imagine the joy of getting to read so many works of art and I can guess how many Kurtz read that did not make the cut.
As usual, I let my finger roam the contents page and the first story was definitely a treat though some might look at it like a trick (laugh). I started with Diary of a Mad Black Vampire by Dicey Grenor and I have to confess that I found nothing “mad” about Ashanti. Her logic made sense to me, so what does this say about me I wonder? (laugh) The format of diary entries made the story entertaining as did the progression of Ashanti and Tetra's relationship. I kind of guessed the ending, but it still made the story entertaining.
Vonnie Winslow Crist gave me an unexpected ending In Egypt's Shadow. Obsession can lead people down a dark path and its recipient of such adoration onto another path. I loved Crist's take on this vampire tale and the twist. I hope to see more from Crist.
I am on my knees and begging for more! Please tell me that there is more after Message in A Vessel. I am hooked. V.G. Harrison's sci-fi dystopian thriller is fantastic. Holy sugar! It is like an entire book within this short story and I am craving more. I don't want to give anything away, but this story is a must read!
Slay is not your ordinary vampire anthology...it is better! Make sure this collection of stories is part of your Halloween reading.
I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.