Average rating4.2
Executive Summary: Another great entry in the series. Instead of running on too long and rehashing old ideas, Mr. Butcher keeps ratcheting things up and making you want more.Audio book: James Marsters? Check. Awesome reading? Check. He has me dreading [b:Ghost Story 8058301 Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13) Jim Butcher http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1329104700s/8058301.jpg 12731936], because I know he won't be reading it. I really can't imagine anyone else doing this series justice.Full ReviewThis one is even better than I remember, but still not quite as enjoyable for me as [b:White Night 91475 White Night (The Dresden Files, #9) Jim Butcher http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1309552288s/91475.jpg 1254936] is. I'm not really sure why either.It's got a lot of my favorite supporting characters like the Knights of the Cross, Kincaid and the Archive as well as the regulars (Murphy, Thomas, Molly). It's got a return of some of the series best villains too.Not to mention the general premise: Mab shows up to collect on a favor (hence the title). But of course the title is ironic, because the favor she wants is for him to be the emissary for Winter and to help “Gentleman” Johnny Marcone.You can bet Dresden is just thrilled at the prospect, and eagerly agrees. Or maybe she has to twist his arm a little..I had forgotten about some of the more important details of this book. It really made for a pleasurable rereading. This isn't Malazan or anything, but I was surprised to see some of the setup and foreshadowing taking place here that I missed the first go round.This book also put an idea into my head that Mr. Butcher has been taunting us all with ever since. Murphy taking up Fidelacchius.The level of action is a little down from last one. Maybe that's why it's not quite a 5 star for me (that and I'm stingy), but it's a very high 4 stars.