Average rating4.3
Executive Summary: Despite how long it took me to read this one, I rather enjoyed it, and thought the ending was particularly strong. Hopefully it won't be another 2 years before my next Discworld book.Full ReviewThe last year+ has been a struggle for me reading. It'd be easy to say it was all due to covid, but this was happening before that started too. I started this book 4 months ago. It's not a very large book. Even with how slow I read that's an incredibly long amount of time for it to take. The issue was less to do with how much I liked the book and more to do with how little I'm interested in reading lately.I thought Discworld's humor would maybe get me back into reading. I've heard several people list this as one their favorites of the series too. However it didn't really seem to do the trick.I felt like this one started slow but picked up steam as it went along. I read the last 2/3 of the book in the last two weeks. I've been a bit hit or miss with various sub-series. As a stand-alone I didn't really know what to expect. The only other I've read was [b:Pyramids 64217 Pyramids (Discworld, #7) Terry Pratchett https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1439098306l/64217.SY75.jpg 968512] and I didn't like that one nearly as much.I thought the commentary on organized religion both humorous and poignant. I'm not sure everyone would feel the same. Religion can be a touchy subject. I didn't feel like anything in this book was aimed at any particular religion, but rather those that use it for their own selfish purposes.Overall I'm glad I read this, but I wish it had gotten me back into reading more than it did. A large reason I finally finished it was another book I'm looking forward to comes out next week and I finally wanted to be done with it.I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the ending. I may need to reread this book at some point down the road when I'm in a better headspace for reading in general.