Cover 6

Soul Boom

Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution


Average rating3


Listening to Rainn Wilson's book made me smile for nine hours.* I couldn't help but imagine that it was written by Dwight** after having a spiritual transformation. “Soul Boom” is filled with beneficial and quirky wisdom for how to help heal ourselves and our world. The contemplative and eclectic style was perfect for me. I look forward to adding the physical book to my collection.

And hey, perhaps this book will truly be a catalyst for enlightened change. Perhaps, someday in the near future, I will hear: “Okay, Soul Boomer!” shouted (or muttered) in my direction. A spiritual girl can dream. Haha

* Because that's how long it was.
** I only watched “The Office” last year, and it was well worth the wait! I was shocked that it was as amazing as everybody said it was. My next read will be Rainn's memoir. #MakingItRainn

May 9, 2023