Cover 8

Southern Myths

180 pages


Average rating3


Bummer. This one was not quite up to par with Books 1&2.

First of all, the Dragon sidekick was adorable. That was about it for this book.

Unfortunately there was some unfortunate cliches in this book

(Spoilers beyond this point)

Axel suddenly breaking up with Pepper? It was just such a convenient and poorly contrived plotpoint. Also reitterates the fact that they are so bad at communication. Just be adults about it. “Hey Pepper, my brother is coming into town, for your safety we need to maintain our distance.” See ADULT. The breakup was unecessary drama.

THEN the really bad cliche.... Axel is a TWIN! OMG..... eyeroll I really really really hate this trope! WHY is it always good twin versus bad twin! Such a poorly contrived twist.

Then we get to the end and all is well and perfect? Nah, idc how sexy Mr Sexy is, his poor communication skills and need to hide things is emotionally immature. You wanna be together? Then be up front and communicate. This book had me really disliking Axel.

Also, Pepper's constant change of attitudes towards the baby dragon AND her need to sell him right away? She acts like she is enjoying her job at the familiar shop but still hating animals. Then you get the ultra rare baby dragon and you hate it too? Despite it calling you mama? How heartless.

Hoping book 4 improves.

September 12, 2022