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Space: 1969



Average rating3.6


A very fun and energetic meta scifi comedy from one of the writers of The Simpsons, Disenchantment, and Regular Show, narrated/acted by a fourth wall breaking Richard Nixon. An alternate history where JFK survived the assassination attempt, with nothing but an even more bolstered popularity and a new roguish eyepatch for his lost left eye. After a brief coma, Jack leads the States upwards and onwards to the final frontier of space, forgoing political strife in Vietnam and the Soviet Union to focus on building a lunar colony. By 1968, the United States had already launched dozens of successful Moon landings, established bases, and quickly expanding America's consumerism. Come 1969, Hilton hotels, breakfast chains, and entertainment venues for the likes of Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Jerry Lewis make appearances.

We follow Natasha Lyonne's sassy smoker night nurse Nancy Kramich aboard Howard Hugh's space station, the Liberty Bell. What follows is a very fresh, entertaining, meta, scifi mystery comic romp, despite a lacklustre ending.

March 13, 2023