Spindles and Spells
Spindles and Spells
Laura Greenwood takes on the retelling of Sleeping Beauty in Spindles and Spells (Drowlgon Press, 2020). I am not familiar with the story, but let me tell you it pays to make friends.
For me this story was vastly different from Greenwood's other stories (avid reader of Greenwood's works). I actually was not a huge fan of Briar in the beginning. Greenwood, for me, created an unlikeable character who only through personal growth and world awareness became a likeable character. This process made the whole story worthwhile.
Nevermind, the punchline as to why Briar was “selected” for the prophecy to begin with. I think this was brilliant on Greenwood's part and very true to real life. Greenwood always creates heroines of worth and let me tell you Briar's bestie is the bomb.
I cannot wait to see what is next in the world of Greenwood's fairy tales.
I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.