Spook Squad
2013 • 321 pages


Average rating5


Re-read/listen 4/9/19 – 4/14/19

Everything I said in original review and more. Perfect tone, pacing, and storytelling. And then there's Victor Bayne. Here's his reaction to a prison cell:

The stainless steel toilet was right there in the open, which made me clench all over at the thought of take a dump where a cellmate could see and smell it. Worse, the sink was built into the side of the toilet, and a drinking fountain was fixed in the sink.I'm no germophobe. In fact, rimming my boyfriend is my idea of a good time. Still, I suspected I'd expire from dehydration before I drank water that shot up from the back of a toilet.”

Being in Vic's head is definitely a good time.

***************OG REVIEW 7/12/16 — 7/15/16

I would say I have no words but this is a review, so I'll try.

If I could give more stars I would, not so much for the book itself, which totally deserves them, but because it is a promise kept. This is the natural and right progression of all the previous books. And that's no mean feat. I feel that sometimes in series authors forget about the story lines they set out to tell at the beginning and just go off on tangents, perhaps influenced by reviews or I don't know what, but [a:Jordan Castillo Price|268722|Jordan Castillo Price|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1325364144p2/268722.jpg] has stuck to telling the tale of Victor Bayne's adult coming of age and it's attendant characters and I've loved every word of it.

This is the “adulting” book and picks up about 3 or 4 months after [b:GhosTV|9688919|GhosTV (PsyCop, #6)|Jordan Castillo Price|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1411584007s/9688919.jpg|14577000] left off and Lisa is still living with Vic & Jacob who act like the doting parents of a teenage girl. She's got some mysterious outings going on and though I cottoned on to what it was pretty quickly I liked it. I love that though Lisa is Vic's friend thru and thru (a sister really) she won't let him bully her into anything she doesn't want to do. True love.

Jacob has landed in nirvana working at the FPMP and Vic who has been feeling angry and despondent about how his work is going at the 5th, with a little nudge from Lisa, decides to give Con Dreyfuss the promised exorcism. Victor Bayne goes on a external and more importantly an internal growing-up trip: Bob Zigler, Laura Kim, Agent Bly, Richie and Constantine Dreyfuss himself show him that maybe he doesn't need to keep hiding in plain sight, that his past is that THE PAST and the it may not be a bad thing to embrace his talents for all they are worth. He also realizes he isn't alone, he has Jacob in every sense:

“I focused on Jacob's nearness, the immensity of his presence. It was big, like everything about him is big. Yet somehow, that huge presence didn't drown out my essential me-ness, but rather amplified it.”

This book brings Vic fully into himself and who he can be and now I want to cry because I think that I read that JCP plans on only one more and though that makes sense I will mourn not being in Vic's head. *sigh

There seems to be a separate Crash story that's going on parallel to the action in this book which I'm eager to read ‘cause much like Vic I've grown to love Crash and know there's way more to him than what's on the surface.

About the narration by [a:Gomez Pugh|8435087|Gomez Pugh|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] all I'll say is that the man is a genius. GENIUS!!!
July 15, 2016