2012 • 150 pages

I was gifted a copy of Sprite by the author for an honest review.

Annabelle, an 18 year old star swimmer who will be starting UCLA's pre-med program in the fall finds out one cold winter day that she is part human and part sprite. She also finds out that she is a part of a prophecy that will forever change her life.

I liked:

The cover of the book. Just look at it.

The overall plot of the book. Girl finds out she is part mystical in nature and is needed to help out the people she is a descendant of.

The Greek Mythology included in this book as well as the lore of the Yoruba people. There is a legend/story, if you will, that is believed to be connected to Annabelle herself. I totally loved how the author used the Arethusa myth as the foundation of the plot. I've always loved Greek Mythology and the many stories that continue to be told of all the gods and goddesses. It was also nice to see the Mami Wata included in this book because the Yoruba people are a beautiful people with rich history and beliefs.

YaYa. Queen of the Merpeople and she's quite an interesting character. I was glued to my IPad when she spoke of the history of their people.

The Ending. Possibly the best part of the book and when I say the ending I do mean the very last page. Honestly, I didn't see it coming and it was definitely a WOW.

In Summary
This is a totally different world than the one Annabelle is used to. She is a huge part of its survival and I just wanted a bit more conviction in her kick_assery. However, because of the plot, the myths and the great ending I do look forward to reading the next book in the series. Annabelle is still one to be on the look out for, though. She shows growth in this read and I can't wait to see how much further she grows in the next installment. KICK SOME BUTT ANNABELLE!

May 16, 2012