2017 • 370 pages


Average rating3.1


Promising premise, horrible beginning, mediocre middle, cliched ending.

There were a couple of points in this book where I almost started to enjoy it; Ms. Bennett isn't a terrible writer its just that the whole thing is structured so badly I could never get into it. I kept getting distracted by things like a newly-introduced character's accent not being described until two entire pages later. The first third of the book suffers from tell-itis to such a horrifying degree that even our narrator comments on it; sadly, such clever self-reference does not advance the plot in a useful way. And I'm quite charmed by the narrative voice but it could have been love if only the rest of the book didn't make me so mad I could spit. Save your money, kids, maybe her next book will be better.

I received this book free from Penguin Random House for review.

January 21, 2018