Stalinist `Historians' Spread the Big Lie

Stalinist `Historians' Spread the Big Lie

1993 • 38 pages


Average rating5


A very brief, yet a brilliant piece of work by Shri Sita Ram Goel ji exposing the sheer skullduggery of our beloved “eminent historians”.

The book is divided into three sections:

1. The Marxist Historians
2. The Big Lie
3. Questionnaire for the Marxist Professors

In the first two parts, by taking up Rāmajanmabhūmi and Kr̥ṣṇajanmabhūmi as prime examples, Sita Ram ji shows how the Left historians (whom he says are not ‘Marxist' but rather ‘Stalinist' by approach, hence the title) have distorted facts and fudged the entire narrative to suit their agenda.

The author opines that whenever Left historians have to defend Islamic iconoclasm & the destruction of various Hindu (Buddhists & Jains included) temples, they give the following two apologetic arguments:

1. Islamic rules did not do it due to the mandate of their religion or theology; but for sheer financial purpose.

2. Hindūs (Sanātanīs) have also destroyed various Buddhist & Jain temples.

Sita Ram ji argues with facts and logic that both of these arguments are not only misleading but are blatant lies.

In the third part he puts up a questionnaire to these historians, which contains 8 pointed and straightforward questions. Sita Ram ji mentiones that he had even written a letter (questionnaire attahced) to the queen of the cabal: Romila Thapar, but she -of course- refused to engage, and suggested him to “begin reading her works, for a start”. Sita Ram ji, anyway, goes on to annihilate her case point by point.

This book, as well as all the other works of Shri Sita Ram Goel ji, must be read and distributed by the Hindūs!

October 22, 2019