Stalking Jack the Ripper
2016 • 336 pages


Average rating3.6


Update: Idk why Goodreads keeps putting this back in my Want to Read shelf... it's is the second time this happened. A glitch, maybe? Idk.

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This was pretty good! (Besides the fact that it was kinda predictable, Thomas has the same last name as my old Math Teacher From Hell™, and Audrey Rose is a bit of an airhead... love her though.)

A Few Things You Should Know:
- I am not the biggest fan of historical novels. (But this was set in Victorian era England so it gets a pass.)
- I originally did not want to read this book at all.
- I am very glad that I did end up reading this.
- This cover is fucking gorgeous.

(Also, Thomas has been added to my top ten list of book boyfriends. He reminds me of Rhys. For some reason.

January 5, 2018