Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Beware the Power of the Dark Side!

Star Wars

Return of the Jedi Beware the Power of the Dark Side!



Average rating4.7


I know, I know. Is this really a 5 star book? It's adapted from a classic movie for a young reader. Typically, I save 5 star ratings for books that move me, that inspire me in some way. However, Star Wars has been a big influence in my life from before my memory begins. Return of the Jedi was my favorite of the trilogy, so in a way, this book has inspired me from before it was written. I guess I should change directions before this starts sounding like a Star Trek book review...

The language and flow of this book worked really well for me. I felt that it kept the spirit of the film and translated it well for a young reader. Since I listened to the audio, I would add that the narrator reads the book it's passion and spirit so as to be a solid performance. The soundtrack added to the background and the sound effects make it feel like listening to the movie.

The book is longer than the movie. Part of that is that the book takes time to describe things the movie can show quickly. However, there are some added elements. Discussion that happens off screen between scenes. Thoughts inside character”s heads that are not voiced in the movie. Some will disagree with the direction some of these take. Or love them. Depends on who you are. I would say the most controversial parts would be Luke's inner dialogue in certain parts of the book. In the end, I found it easier to accept than some of the edits to the original films.

This book brought out the feels and thrills I get from the movie. Further, it illuminated a part in a way I hadn't looked at it before that I thought was cool. I like this well enough that I may track down a copy for my personal collection, since this was a library borrow.

August 14, 2020