Cover 7

Starling House

Starling House



Average rating3


I received an arc copy from a Tor giveaway

I wish I didn't have so many negatives about this book but alas I do...

Overall, this book was middle of the road. I did not get attached to any of the characters or the House for that matter. I wish we spent more time in the House and getting to know the characters, because maybe I would have cared about what they were going through. The concept of the House was interesting, but fell flat since not much time was spent there. In order for me to truly feel the romance provided, I wish we saw more of Opal and Arthur interacting within the House. She claims it felt like her home after a time, and while I understand given the context, I just never felt that real connection between her, Arthur and the House while reading. The plot was uninteresting and I found myself bored throughout most of the story.

The prose was excellent and I enjoyed the atmosphere but those are the only real positives I have.

September 7, 2023Report this review