Starting From the Top

Starting From the Top

2021 • 310 pages


Average rating5


Oh my ❤️❤️ this was absolutely lovely.

Johnny and Sean have appeared in some form or other throughout the previous books and they're the couple whose story you didn't you'd been waiting for. Totally worth the wait.

Sean is 45 and only came out as bi five years ago. He wen't through a difficult divorce and is desperately trying not to rock the boat with his ex-wife, be a perfect father to his two kids, and run his various business concerns. It's a tall order for anyone but more so for Sean and his pretty hard and fast rules on how to live. Johnny is the unexpected spanner in his world order.

Johnny is 30 and never had anything, not even a proper family, so he doesn't expect anything. So sad. Zero's inexorable rise, the fame and financial security it represents is nice but jarring at the same time. He'll deal. What he never expected was that a one off with Sean would turn into more: shared meals, spending time with Sean's kids, being taken care of and caring in return. That's love for you. It sneaks up on tiny cat feet or slobbery dog tongue when you least expect it.

Rest assured that if you're here for the burn-the-sheets smex you won't be disappointed. Fiercely independent Johnny melts (in the bedroom) to Sean's bossy and Sean loves to have Johnny in his care. However my favorite thing was witnessing the organic growth of the relationship, I could smell and taste it. The movie night, game night, or dinner with the family that slowly starts knitting their lives together without them even noticing. How Johnny, just by being himself, helps Sean access his children in a different way and makes him realize that you can't hold water in your hands, just enjoy watching it flow like a river. It's still beautiful.

Sean and Johnny are outwardly opposites who fit perfectly together and I loved them.

March 10, 2021