Station Eleven

Station Eleven

2014 • 333 pages


Average rating4.1


It was a quick read, and I don't have any huge complaints about it. Usually stories that try to intertwine too many characters annoy me (ahem Anxious People), but I thought it wasn't forced and worked for the book. Someone could make a decent argument that there isn't a lot to differentiate any of the characters' personalities, and the author was a little heavy-handed at times instead of letting the reader make their own connections and conclusions, but honestly I didn't find myself holding it against the story.

3.5/5, would definitely recommend if you aren't looking for something light-hearted. It's not nearly as bleak as The Road but more of a downer than, say, Zombieland. Maybe on par with World War Z (the novel), but more personal characters.

April 3, 2021