Average rating4.1
Executive Summary: While it's obviously young adult, and a little predictable, I found it to be a lot of fun and hard to put down by the second half. I enjoyed it more than [b:The Rithmatist 10137823 The Rithmatist (Rithmatist #1) Brandon Sanderson http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348506712s/10137823.jpg 15035866].Full ReviewI don't tend to read much Young Adult, but for [a:Brandon Sanderson 38550 Brandon Sanderson http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1201547425p2/38550.jpg], I make an exception. I really like the way he does world building, especially his magical systems.Since this book is based on superheroes, there isn't a magical system persay, but I enjoy the types of powers he's come with, from the standard invincibility and super strength to the down right bizarre like the ability to never run out of bullets. Sounds like someone got a hold of the infinite ammo cheat code.I loved comics as a kid, but these days my only real exposure to superheroes is the overabundance of Movies and TV shows being cranked out every year.Most people with any familiarity to comics knows the line Stan Lee coined for Spider-Man: “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.“This book throws that saying right out the window and instead comes Great Destruction and Terror. Where are the superheroes? Instead all that shows up is varying degrees of villains.That only leaves the humans to fight back against those with super powers. Except the military and governments tried and failed and eventually gave up. Enter the Reckoners. The last group still fighting. Determined to kill as many Epics as they can.Everything seems to tie back to the appearance of something called The Calamity. What is it, and how does it relate to the appearance of Epics?Well don't expect to find out in this book, as it's very obviously the start of a series.The book started out a little slow for my liking, but once it got going, I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to [b:Firefight 15704459 Firefight (Reckoners, #2) Brandon Sanderson /assets/nocover/60x80.png 21979689] next year.