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Stephen and Matilda's Civil War

Stephen and Matilda's Civil War: Cousins of Anarchy



Average rating5


The Civil War between Stephen and Matilda has long captivated historians and readers alike. Cousins fighting over who the crown truly belonged to - and the issues of a woman being on the throne - makes for captivating reading.
This book is no different, and you are going to get sucked in from the beginning! Get ready for the best game of thrones you will ever read!

On the death of King Henry I, the throne should have passed to Matilda, his daughter. While she was not the first choice, she was what the king had left after the White Ship disaster. However, her cousin Stephen swooped in and claimed the crown for himself, setting off decades of a civil war that threatened to tear England apart. While England was not truly ready for a woman to rule, Stephen might not have been the best choice - he was rather soft in several areas (although thank goodness, because we got William Marshall through his softness).
The years of war did not lessen the duties that Matilda had as a wife and mother, and her sons grew up under the banners of war, both from their mother and father. While this could have raged indefinitely, the final resolution was brought about after the death of Stephen's son Eustace (who if we are being completely honest, would have been a horrible king), and put Henry, Duke of Normandy on the throne.

I cannot say enough good things about this book! While I know the ins and outs of this Civil War, Matthew Lewis brought it around in a few ways that I had not considered before. I found myself going back and forth, and comparing different theories through his writing.
Absolutely loved it - and I will be adding this book to my student approved reading list for future semesters!

October 16, 2019