Strait of Hormuz

Strait of Hormuz



Average rating4


This is my third adventure with Marc Royce and they are wild rides. Full of suspense, and action, but also down time with lots of scheming of good guys and bad guys and even enough romance to cause some grins. There is also plenty of faith in the characters where the reader even might be influenced in a spiritual light. I still haven't read any of Davis Bunn's historical novels (gasp I know!) but in the action adventure contemporary scene I'm definitely a fan. Love the Storm Sorrell novels, truly like the Marc Royce novels. While Strait of Hormuz is a third in the series, it can hold it's own. The other two novels will definitely give more background for Marc and Kitra's affections, but it can be read alone. (And if you see the note below, you can actually snag a free eBook copy of Lion of Babylon for a limited time!)

After thoroughly enjoying the Gold of Kings and The Black Madonna from Davis Bunn I have been looking forward to more adventures. I haven't quite found another author that I enjoy the intrigue mixture with faith sharing and connecting as I find in his stories. They are political and current and make me want to read even more.

Lion of Babylon was one that I was suppose to get to review a while back, but it didn't arrive and then when I finally got a copy it wasn't in the schedule or cards to read. Yet then when another story was coming up for tour in Rare Earth that is kinda a sequel I jumped right into read. I'm glad I did. I swallowed both of those stories pretty quickly, so I was really eager when I heard that Strait of Hormuz was coming to continue the adventures with Marc Royce.

Lion of Babylon is an experience. It is fairly reminiscent to me of reading the Brock & Bodie Thoene Jerusalem series that I had from the library way back when I first started reading Christian Fiction with a passion. There is so much history and action combined together with politicals and emotions that it is hard to keep up, but entire worth hanging on for the ride.

I cannot help it from Sydney Bristow to Jack Ryan and Jason Bourne, I've always been a pretty big espionage story fan. Marc Royce definitely fills that place in my heart in the novel world and Davis Bunn does it in a wonderfully creative way.

As I've said before with Rare Earth my opinion still holds... Political, heart wrenching and obviously well researched I could not turn the pages fast enough and now that I'm through I'm sad, because I want more from Davis Bunn. I guess that it one of the downfalls to reading books as soon as they are published, because then you have to wait until the author writes more. This one has a touch of romance and a continuance of friendship. There are good people and there are bad people. It's eye opening when you just want to shut them up tight. Bits that I wouldn't have expected and others that I hoped for. This story brings in many different nations and joins them in a goal.

This time we're headed to France and Switzerland for an amazing adventure, both in action and in heart.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review. I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.


January 26, 2014