82 pages

2.5 because perversely I might go on with the series

I can't remember last time I read something so unintentionally funny and (not offense to those who liked it) kind of bad.

I thought it was going to be one of those cray cray but ‘oh so good' tales like KAGE. I'd dig that but those hopes were dashed. I would've settled for just porny, mindless fun but that didn't pan out either.

One problem is that there isn't even a cursory attempt at character development. The MC meet and even before more than two words are exchanged there are assertions of ‘mine'.

Some of the inanity would've been more tolerable/understandable if this were a shifter/ABO story but it wasn't. That's doubly bad as the attitude/treatment of the claimers to their claims leaves a lot to be desired and if this were an m/f people's hair would be on fire.

Another issue is that clearly this is a series and so the author introduces ALL of the future couples.

There's an epilogue ten (10) years into the future. Not for me.

There's only one woman in the whole book and she's always cooing & cooking for these ‘special' men.

One of the MC is speaks Spanish and drops little sweet nothings to his beloved in Spanish. Each. One. Is immediately translated.

December 7, 2022