Average rating3.9
[20/02/24] It has been a year since the first one came out, but I don't remember it being as meandering as this. Honestly, I found the whole thing quite dull. But what drove me truly bananas is the fact that the reader isn't trusted at all.
“‘Absolutely the fuck not,' said Yatho. ‘I'd not trust the either of you with a goat, let alone a child.'
Inara winced. Yatho just then had sounded exactly like Kissen. Elo clearly thought so too, because his colours sparkled with recognition in the colour of Kissen's auburn hair.” p54.
Why not just “Inara winced. Elo's colours sparkled auburn.” Hell, even just “Inara winced” would have done the job. The reader has spent enough time with Kissen to notice the similarity. We get it!
“His breath stopped, his eyes stilled. Dead. The boy was dead. The first person she had killed was barely more than a child, barely older than Inara.” p87
When the previous three-hundred and four pages that constitute the previous book alongside the first eighty-seven of this one establish (many times) that your heroine kills gods, NOT people (and also has an affinity for the child protagonist) you don't need to spend this long to make sure the reader truly GETS it. She killed a child! A boy! We GET it already.
Maybe were I to go back to the first I'd look less kindly on it. Maybe it genuinely was much more polished. Maybe one day I'll go back and see!
Regardless, I found this disappointing.