Average rating3.5
The writing is erratic and hard to follow and it seems as if there is a lot of information you're missing out on. However, the plot and characters themselves make this is worthwhile read.
There were many instances when I was throughly confused about what exactly was happening, between the main characters all-over-the-place thought patterns and actual narrative. I wish there had been more dialog between characters to act as a sort of anchor to events, but no such luck. The sex instances in the book also seemed forced, as if she used it to try to keep the reader pulled in to the relationship between Sunshine and Constantine - but it was written in a sort of different voice, was unnecessary, and slightly took from the events at hand.
Overall, I'm not exactly sure what to think of this book. I wouldn't read it again but I finished it without having to force myself and I did like the storyline... I can say for sure that it is overrated.
Original: 9/2007
updated: 4/2010
It's weird how three years ago, my thoughts on this book were so different. But people change and tastes in books change along with us. I picked up this book for a steal at a used book store not remembering if I liked it or not, but wanted to try it again anyway. I'm just about finished with the second read-through and am really enjoying it. While Sunshine is still a little erratic, I don't find her thought processes too difficult to follow - like I mentioned in my first review - though there are a lot of random side-thoughts in parenthesis that you have to read and then re-read the sentence without them to sometimes remember what the original thought was. However, this is how people really think and speak so it is just a normal conversation instead of a more unnatural way of thought that most books use just to keep the reader on the same page, pardon the expression. I've added another 2 stars to my review this time around. I really enjoyed it.