Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams
My path back to spirituality brought me to this book. I am a huge believer in the law of attraction and I have implemented that in my life for as long as I can remember. Going beyond that and having weird experiences with Catholic schools and organized religion, it has been hard to get back in touch with my spirituality beyond this law of attraction point. This book identified that the way that I feel about that whole experience was OK and also there was a place to move forward. This book you gave me hope. Overall this book identify that there are many names for the things going on in the universe that are a higher vibe and out of our control. Whether you believe in God, spirit, the universe, whatever you name it, it's all the same thing. This book boiled down the basics of what really is taught in a lot of religions and it focused on one thought. The thought is that we are all beings with vibrational energy that can either match or separate us. Every day we wake up we choose to either be love and one with the universe and one another or we choose to be separate and live in fear and lack. I highly recommend this book for people of all religions. I also highly recommend this book for people who are in my boat: grew up under the guise of forced religion and sup-consequently grew up and revolted against what was shoved down our throat. Leaving us only to believe that we must control everything because there is no such thing as a higher being or faith. Let go with this book. I am looking forward to reading many others of Gabby's and her down to earth approach to the spiritual teachings of the universe.