Superman Smashes the Klan
2020 • 240 pages


Average rating4.2


Very fun. I don't read a lot of modern superhero comics but this was recommended by a friend. My friends who like Superman say there are some really solid stories to read about him, that do him correctly, since he's kind of a hard character to make interesting. This book focuses a lot on the kids who's family is being harassed by the klan, and a nephew of the local klan leader's (though this uncle is clearly a father figure) who's conflicted about the situation.

Per the back of the book, this story originally was done as a radio show in 1946. So any comments crying this is “woke” are nonsensical, because apparently he's always been this way. The back of the book has a brief history on how and why Superman would be a POC ally (tl;dr: he's an alien and his creators are Jewish. Duh).

I really like that the villain, before you know for sure what his role in the story is, starts off with some really sound advice for his nephew - before completely going overboard and revealing to him that he's the grand scorpion for the klan. That and the fact that his nephew struggles internally so much with trying to rationalize what his family does and says, because it's bad stuff; but he's only ever seen them as good, loving people before this. People can have good shades to them while still doing or endorsing terrible things.

Superman also starts off not having all his powers, because he wasn't originally designed with all of his modern powers, which I liked. I hear DC does a lot of “let's do the origin story again!” so I don't know if this angle is common for his stories, but I'd sort of forgotten that he used to be described as “leaping a building in a single bound” and now he flies.

August 20, 2022