Survivor Injustice: State-Sanctioned Abuse, Domestic Violence, and the Fight for Bodily Autonomy

Survivor Injustice

State-Sanctioned Abuse, Domestic Violence, and the Fight for Bodily Autonomy



Average rating5


This is a very well researched piece on how survivors of sexual and domestic violence are systematically denied justice, disempowered, and often further victimized whether they seek justice or merely expression. While it focuses on the US it still offers valuable (in my opinion) thinking material for those of us who are outside of the US.

Free of needless jargon and rich in examples it is perfect read for intro level readers, but it is also a very heavy read that would advise to approach with some caution if you aren't in the best headspace.

The transitions between battles/topics are also seamless which further highlights that none of them are happening in a vacuum or independently from one another, in other words I enjoyed the structure of this book a lot.

I received a review copy of this book from North Atlantic Books through Netgalley and this is my honest review.

August 14, 2023