Sweet Dreams
2011 • 657 pages


Average rating4


So...I'm still reading the book right now...and I got to this part and just had to record. Finally got to the part where characters from the first book of the series come in. Fangirling very hard right now.

So...I finished it...and now I'm kind of regretting reading it so quickly. I'd rate this book a 4.5. That, in no way, means this book was inadequate in any regard. The beginning just sort of bugged me. The first time Lauren saw Tate, I was not pleased. I was finding it hard to believe he was a good man, as all the main males in Kristen Ashley's books are. Obviously, my opinion had changed about Tate. I really like how Ashley developed the story, tracing how our main characters started off-well, let's just say they didn't really mesh well together. Oh the feels I had during the beginning of this book...-le sigh-. Bliss.
In fact, there are so many things about this book I like that I'm tempted to change that 4.5 to a 5. I see what you did there Ms. Ashley, ending in a monumentally amazing way to make me forget about that beginning where I hated Tate.
The mystery was fairly good. I had high suspicions about that one character in the first half of the book, though Ashley was successful in making me doubt myself.
So yes, I highly recommend this book to whomever may read this review. There are some annoying, crazy, stupid females, but the problems they created were, I guess, resolved. And then there's Lauren's ex. I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW UNBELIEVABLY MORONIC YOU ARE, BRAD. If it makes me a bad person for loving how Brad comes crawling back (albeit, in a highly conceited manner that made me want to suck him out of the fictional world and rip away his crown jewels from his possession), call me the devil. And then there's Bubba (the person, for those of you who haven't read the book yet). THANK YOU KRISTEN ASHLEY FOR MAKING THINGS GO THE WAY THEY DID. I bow down to you, ma'am. You are the master.

EDIT #2:
One thing confused me. I'm sorry if this aggravates someone out there, because of my ignorance, but why didn't Tate and Lauren have babies together? Yeah, they're more than forty, but I know people who started having kids after that age. Also, why did Tate and Lauren not worry about protection after their first alone-fun-time together? It's not like Lauren's eggs were all gone. And I'm assuming Tate didn't have an operation...?

April 13, 2016