Tagging: Peoplepowered Metadata for the Social Web

Tagging: Peoplepowered Metadata for the Social Web



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The idea of tagging has always fascinated me. I wish OS X had tagging built into the file system so I could classify and recall files, images and music based on how I relate to them. When I heard about this book, I hoped that it would help shed some more light on tagging.

I imagined that the book would help expand upon various tag methodologies and how one could get more out of using a tagging system or site. There IS a little bit of that in this book, mostly in the first chapter.

The rest of Tagging caters to the coders. It gives guidelines, business aspects, and code rules to help programmers design and develop their own tagging system for an Intranet or home-brew web application.

While I found it all very interesting, I'm not a coder, so much of the tech was lost to me. I'll be giving this one to kender to read, maybe he and his company can get more out of it than I did.

February 28, 2009