Taken Before Dawn

Taken Before Dawn

2022 • 273 pages


Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

You Probably Won't Want To Read This Right Before Bed. In this next chilling installment of this series, we get what is quite possibly Spangler's most chilling villains to date - and the most direct threat to Detective Casey White since I picked up this series around book 4 or so. One sequence in particular, taking up somewhere around a quarter of the book or so, is so truly chilling that the title of this review was warranted - you're not going to want to try to go to sleep while reading/ soon after reading this particular section. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll be a bit oblique and note that there is a popular horror franchise that is actually less chilling, though around the same type of idea, as what is going on here. Before and after this section, the book is actually more of a “standard” Casey White series police procedural. We get to see the team doing its thing both professionally and personally, including how later developments in the series (again, being vague to avoid giving anything away) continue to play out. Certainly one of the better books in this series, which is saying quite a bit itself, and arguably the best to date - which is saying quite a bit. I know this thing releases almost a full month after I'm writing this review, but BR... Imma need number 8 like, now. Very much recommended.

August 26, 2022