Tales from Shakespeare

Tales from Shakespeare

1807 • 383 pages


Average rating3.8


• The Tempest ★★★★☆
• A Midsummer Night's Dream ★★★★★
• The Winter's Tale ★★★★★
• Much Ado About Nothing ★★★☆☆
• As You Like It ★★★☆☆
• The Two Gentlemen of Verona ★★☆☆☆
• The Merchant of Venice ★★★½☆
• Cymbeline ★★★★★
• King Lear ★★★★★
• Macbeth ★★★★★
• All's Well That Ends Well ★★★★★
• The Taming of the Shrew ★★★☆☆
• The Comedy of Errors ★★★★☆
• Measure for Measure★★☆☆☆
• Twelfth Night; or, What You Will ★★★½☆
• Timon of Athens★★★★
• Romeo and Juliet ★★★★★
• Hamlet, Prince of Denmark ★★★★★
• Othello ★★★★☆
• Pericles, Prince of Tyre ★★★★☆

October 3, 2023Report this review