

2019 • 80 pages


Average rating5


A shorter version of this was included in [b:Come Play: An Erotica Charity Anthology 46024897 Come Play An Erotica Charity Anthology Quin https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1558966752l/46024897.SY75.jpg 69870229] and I really liked it. This expanded version? I love. These were my thoughts about the short:I like how [a:Tanya Chris 15067939 Tanya Chris https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1477705931p2/15067939.jpg] a.k.a. [a:T.M. Chris 17061754 T.M. Chris https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1501426458p2/17061754.jpg] does BDSM stories that aren't prescribed by a rule book and this was no exception.Jake is sort of a big brute of a guy, who's been floundering since ending his stint in the Marines. He wants, craves, and needs discipline to center his scattered life, but being a Hulk sized brat, who doesn't submit easily, has garnered him zero Doms wanting to take him on. One day at a BDSM bar he overhears a conversation that leads him to believe there is someone out there who can be his Sir, if only that Sir would be willing to take a risk on Jake. That Dom is Eduardo. I love Eduardo. He is very clear on what is done for discipline and what is done for sexual pleasure or fun, he doesn't give up, and he isn't wishy washy about rules. In fact he and Jake, at first at least, engage in a quasi domestic discipline relationship, without naming it so, because that is exactly what Jake needs. Jake with his ceaseless mental complaints, self sabotage, but utter need to have someone quiet his brain, take him in hand, and hold him safe.The author has expanded and extended the time of the story, with Jake and Eduardo moving toward being an actual couple, beyond Jake's need for discipline, though that aspect remains an integral part of what Jake needs, and probably will be so for a while. Eduardo is happy to comply. I liked his calm and consistency, how he never blurred the lines of what was play, and what was for Jake's benefit, and that he was utterly human. A bossy one. His physical description and his demeanor had me in mind of Cesar Milan.If you like BDSM that doesn't color within the regular lines, is more authentic to everyday experiences, this will make you happy.

December 17, 2019