

2015 • 352 pages


Average rating4.1


Re-read/Re-listen 10/1/17-10/3/17A re-do because the sequels are out and I'm preparing for the pop quiz ... LOL ... Actually I wanted something fun to listen to while I finish some unpleasant reads. Reasons I'm glad I picked this because it's just as crazy and improbable as I remember and I love it. As a matter of fact I feel like I should disavow my original review. I don't know what cantankerous person wrote that. Maybe I'd been body snatched? Dunno. Logan and Tate are every fantasy you ever wanted and I use the word fantasy on purpose. Are they possible? Sure. Anything can happen. Probable? Likely not. And yet I don't care. I like to think of these two paradigms of male beauty lighting up Chicago with their unbridled lust and sexual stamina. Lust. Sex. Rinse. Repeat. That is really the driving force of the first 70% of the book. I was happy with this. It's done very well. claps What puts this on the tier of “like verging on love” is the other 30% of the book, the parts where Tate “decides” and jumps into the deep end of the pool and the parts where Logan is vulnerable and we get a peek at his humanity. What puts this over the top is the promise of what's to come and for that I'll bump it up to 5. Also a bump because, unlike other series/books, time has made me like it more than I did upon the first read. I've kind of gotten used to [a:Shannon Gunn 6996772 Shannon Gunn https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]'s level of enthusiasm when he does the sex scenes. He is very good with Logan's voice, Tate's veers between okay and making him sound not too bright, but women just elude him. There are male narrators who do women's voices very well, see [a:Chris Patton 1381825 Chris Patton https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1297104882p2/1381825.jpg] in The Adrien English series, but that is not the case here. You can't win them all. Let the re-reads continue. ;)********Re-read/re-listned to on from 6/13/16 to 6/17/16In the wake of the Orlando horror I felt like I needed something mindless to ease me back into reading and had recently gotten an audio deal on some books I already owned, such as this one, so I felt this would be a good option for my AM & PM commute. Zero stress. And I was right. It is fairly much as posted on my original review with the happy update that I kind of got to like the MCs and see where they're coming from and that plain old lust can surely lead to something more, which is what Logan & Tate will presumably explore in the next installments. I will however have to read those as the narrator [a:Shannon Gunn 6996772 Shannon Gunn https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] seems to be reading some kind of horror book and not a romance. This is particularly jarring during the sex scenes and the voices he does for women are just NO. But the worst is the way, especially at the beginning, he makes Tate sound almost like a dumb lug. Granted we know nothing really about Tate save that he's a soon to be divorced-motorcycle-riding-bar-tender who seems to be a little unhealthily attached to his family and what they think of him, given his age (29) but hopefully there's more to him than just looking hot in leather.So to recap: I'm glad I reread this as it was bit sweeter the second time around. People falling in lust/love was a good antidote to the news streaming in of hate and the attendant pain it brings.***********ORIGINAL REVIEW:This was a mixed bag for me. I enjoyed the smexy times but can't say that I liked anyone in this book. Not the MCs Logan or Tate to Tate's family who we can just tell are going to be awful to Tate's soon to be ex wife who seems to have come out of central casting as WICKED WITCH.Tate seems to be nothing but a pretty boy who looks hot in leather and on a bike and Logan is the guy you hate except that he's one of the MC's. Aside from the physical attraction and the hot sex we don't get what else these two have in common or what a future they may share. Don't get me wrong a scorching smexy MM read is nothing to scoff at but it's so far not a romance in the larger sense of the word. I'm on the fence as to whether to continue with the series. I'm a bit compulsive so I might but for now it's on hold.

December 1, 2015