Average rating3.8
rating- 2.5/5I was way too excited for this book, but i'm disappointed to say the least. I felt like this was way too similar to [b:The Fine Print 58530994 The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires, #1) Lauren Asher https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1625979098l/58530994.SY75.jpg 90312122]; I get that they're both grumpy-sunshine, but the characterisation seemed very similar for my liking. I'm not going to make this too long and go into details of what i didn't like (i lied, that is exactly what i proceed to do), but somehow this didn't live up to my expectations. The book literally starts off with their engagement, there is zero like setup and I felt like i was thrown into the book and the plot instead of being eased into it. We don't see until much later why Iris even agrees to marry him? so yeah i wasn't sure what was happening until much later. I've heard so much praise for the marriage of convenience trope everywhere and i was extremely upset i didn't feel the same way. The characters felt 2- dimensional and flat, since their entire personality revolved around each other. This was mostly Iris, I'm not sure Declan even had a personality to begin with. Not having a personality was his personality. Like i've read loads of books with the grumpy-sunshine trope; one does not have to lack personality to be grumpy!! But yes even this joke for characterisation was not executed properly, we're told he does not laugh and like 3 chapters in when he suddenly decides he likes Iris, alll he does is laugh. Like atleast make it rare?? so it's believable idk. Another complaint i'm sure a lot of people have is the lack of awkwardness and tension in the book. I definitely feel like Iris should've been less comfortable with the pda and public appearances in the beginning, and slowly become more accustomed to it? That being said, there were also quite a few things i liked. The whole words in a different language thing had my entire heart (although i was confused asf until i read what they meant; and in case of an ebook that wasn't until quite a few pages later). The whole dog and proposal thing was also very cute. sappy but cute. i like declarations of love, leave me alone. And last but not the least, the epilogues are absolutely my favourite. I read both the extended epilogues for [b:The Fine Print 58530994 The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires, #1) Lauren Asher https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1625979098l/58530994.SY75.jpg 90312122] & [b:Terms and Conditions 60438355 Terms and Conditions (Dreamland Billionaires, #2) Lauren Asher https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1645136977l/60438355.SY75.jpg 91507178] and loved loved loved them.Overall, I was disappointed for sure but it still had some endearing moments that had me smiling. Cal was a highlight and his personality shines through this book even more than the first. Him being Iris's bestfriend definitely saved this book. Absolutely cannot wait for his book.