Cover 7




Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

The Modern Day Master of Science Fiction Yet Again Breaks New Ground. I've been calling Robinson “The Modern Day Master of Science Fiction” for at least 5 yrs now due to the fact that there are few if any areas of science fiction that he hasn't touched in some way. He's done monsters (of all kinds). He's done zombies. He's done time travel. He's done space opera. He's done kaiju. Etc etc etc etc

And now he's done ghosts. Robinson style.

Yet another wild ride that will make you question just how close to the brink of insanity this man's mind gets, this book opens up with a giant explosion that someone leaves one survivor at its very epicenter... and doesn't slow down from there. Seemingly set up for a potential short series, this one could just as easily play into an Avengers Level Event 2 that Robinson seems to maybe be building to - that will be far wilder than even his first such event, just given the nature of the characters he has created of late, including here.

Very much recommended, I can't wait to see what this man comes up with next!

September 24, 2019