The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1988 • 432 pages


Average rating3.7


Why did I read this?
I think it can be said that this book belongs on many people's ‘everyone should read this book at least once in their lives'-list. Therefore, of course it was also on mine. Combined with an interest in becoming more effective/successful I thought it time to start this book.

My view
There already exist great reviews and summaries of this book, so I want to focus on what I found unique about this book compared to the little literature I've read on this subject.

I really enjoyed the read, as Covey carefully constructs and explains a whole system of evaluating successfulness, effectiveness and a clear way of talking about Personal Change. It not only answers the question of which habits to develop to become more effective, but starts with why you should develop those habits and how to measure a new habits effectiveness.
As Covey states in the introduction, this book really focuses on deep-rooted, long lasting character traits, rather than short, quick-fix personality changes and having a concise way of describing this is essential in my view.
I loved this book more than Brendon Burchard's more recent book ‘High Performance Habits', of which I've listened to some chapters and a podcast interview. I think the Habits mostly overlap, but have slightly different names. I think Habit 6 (synergize) in Covey's book was not really actionable, and is something which (magically) might come about, but can not be formed by habit. I think a Habit like Get Energize from Burchard's book would be better.
I also enjoyed Covey's way of writing better. I feel Burchard starts from a point of view where the reader is currently in a negative effectiveness level and needs powerful and much coaching to address his/her problems. Covey's book on the other hand already talks to the reader like they are capable people and just want to slightly but consistently want to improve their behavior.

I would be interested to follow this book up with ‘The power of habit'. Covey's book has given me the tools to address what character traits I want to change, but I think The Power of Habit might give some practical examples of daily habits which might help me achieve higher effectiveness.

September 21, 2019