Average rating3.5
i've read many annoying books but NEVER ONE THAT ENDED UP BEST SELLING????? the writing style was just too simple, everything about this book annoyed the livid shit out of me. It just kept going on and on like dude stop, i had no attachment to any of the characters, i wasn't melting at the one day romeo and juliet wannabe relationship between the boy and fatima.
the book keeps repeating this one idea over and over again like STOPPPPPPPP I DOMT CARE ANOUT THE SOUL OF THE WORLDDDDJDJJDIRJDJR FIND THE STUPID TREASURE DAWG. this boy is so immature, going w anything that his heart sets on like dude???? where's the logic?
the dude gives up everything he's got to chase after something he saw in a dream. the whole heavy emphasis on destiny really pushed me to my breaking point. i really don't like this book.
0.5/10 cos i found some nice quotes