The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, Vol. 1: Brawl in the Family

The Amazing Spider-Man

Renew Your Vows, Vol. 1: Brawl in the Family

2017 • 120 pages


Average rating3


I wanted to love this. Peter and Mary Jane were one of the greatest love stories in comics - I went so far as to stop reading Marvel for years after their marriage was demonically annuled. So seeing them back together (with daughter Annie in tow) was great. The Parker family bits of this were great to read.

However, there's a metaphor here that I'm deeply uncomfortable with. Mary Jane is given superpowers (because comics), and it's eventually revealed that when she uses those powers she's sapping Peter of his strength. The implication being that marriage weakens you, which is an unfortunate metaphor to have (whether it's intentional or not), and which undermines the whole point of having these characters together.

August 12, 2017