Cover 7

The Average American

The Average American

The Extraordinary Search for the Nation's Most Ordinary Citizen



Average rating3


I'm always fascinated with people. What are people really like? What are average people really like? What does it mean to be average? From the moment I saw this book, I knew I had to read it.

What is the average American like? What does he do? Where does he live? O'Keefe sets out to answer these questions. His first stop is the U.S. Census Bureau, home to millions of statistics about Americans. From Washington, his venture becomes serendipitous, traveling to sites he thinks might harbor our average American. O'Keefe reminded me of The Know-It-All author, the fellow who decided to read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, the man who spends the entire book telling his readers all the cool facts he learned. O'Keefe is like that, spewing out data and facts on everything from our average American's height and weight to his religious beliefs to his favorite leisure activities. O'Keefe ends up finding the average American in the county next to one in which he grew up and the average American is the man who was his school custodian. A fun read.

January 1, 2006