The Ballerinas

The Ballerinas

2021 • 304 pages


Average rating3.7


Sometimes I forget that I like a thriller, if it's more psychological than gory, and I don't think it's a stretch to say this is a ballet thriller. It's other things as well (a study of the complexity of long-term female friendships is certainly one of them), and I also love an author who will write a not-particularly-likeable protagonist. It reminded me a bit of Detransition, Baby in the sense that there were times I was cringing at various characters' choices, but because they were believably terrible, not unbelievable. Kapelke-Dale also writes with great precision about the underestimated depth of female ambition and desire in a patriarchy, especially in the particularly strange patriarchal microcosm of professional ballet. This does feel like a first novel in ways that are hard for me to specify, but if you're looking for a quick, evocative read with some interesting themes, it's good.

July 6, 2022Report this review