Average rating4.3
Hooo, where do i start? the ending really hit all the high notes of a classic blockbuster movie climax a la Avengers, with the moment of desperation when Wax died, to the sudden revelation of the Bands of Mourning being that stupid spearhead that Wayne nicked right from the start :joy: it was fantastic to read and also why i'm still not asleep yet at 1+am even though i have to go in to the office early tomorrow morning. truly a Sanderlanche!
i kinda knew that Wax wasn't going to really die because he's already on the cover of The Lost Metal but if i hadn't seen that yet i would certainly be quite worried since this is book 3 of Era 2 and usually big plot shifts can happen at this juncture. i was really rooting for Marasi to be the ones wielding the Bands of Mourning to light the place up and save everyone, but ah well. also, those people with the red glowing eyes? did we ever see them in Era 1? are they completely new to this world? and why is it that Trell now seems to be the icon that all the “bad” people are gathering around? also that epilogue!!!! is that Kelsier!? or is my guess completely off?! i mean, he's the Survivor, right!? is he really coming back???? what's going on???
i also really liked where everyone is romantically at this point. i was really worried about Steris's safety this whole time but i'm glad that she's wound up safe and happy with Wax, i like that Marasi is still kicking ass by herself and even has a foreign suitor now, and Wayne, being the complete lunatic that he ism is probably best suited for something casual with MeLaan.
totally excited for the new book coming out this month!