The Beginner's Goodbye

The Beginner's Goodbye

2012 • 247 pages


Average rating3.7


I almost decided I didn't want to finish it. I agreed to be part of a bookray for this book. I was a fourth of the way into the story and I wasn't interested at all. I didn't care about the characters, I realized; I'll just close the book and send the book on to the next reader.

Only there was no sending the book on. I was the last reader and the
instructions specified that the last reader was to keep the book and pass
it on as she wished.

It just didn't seem respectful to pass on a book that I didn't like enough
to finish. What to do? What to do?

So it was with great reluctance that I read on.

And I warmed to the story, slowly, slowly, with every page read starting to
like the story more. As I read on, I could feel the Anne Tyler-ness of the
story start to build, the loneliness of the characters, the quirkiness of
the characters, and the way the characters finally were able to overcome
their loneliness and quirkiness by finding other lonely, quirky people to

And, in the end, I liked it very much. A satisfying read. Not my favorite Anne Tyler, but a satisfying read.

May 27, 2012